Playful learning
Creating playful learning environments and application has been my professional focus for the last years. Ovos worked on projects for a range of international corporations harnessing the power of play.
Financial education - Investment challenge
The Investment Challenge is an e-learning tool that playfully teaches pupils from grade 9 onwards on the capital market as a sensible alternative to traditional savings. The learning platform was developed for the Erste Financial Life Park, the Vienna Stock Exchange and Three Coins and offers a playful journey through the world of investment
GAIA Online Challenge
Green Awareness in Action, GAIA for short, was a H-2020 EU research project to raise awareness of how we can save energy in everyday activities. The “GAIA Challenge” fosters and nudges energy-saving activities in school buildings in a playful yet impactful way. More than 7.000 students across Europe played the challenge.
Applicants can put their skills to the test in the recruiting game "MATCH!" developed for the Deutsche Telekom. Interactive scenarios simulate several sales talks in which interested applicants can demonstrate skills such as service orientation, sales and foreign language skills.
AR-App Volkswagen
In the course of the research project ARVIDA supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research, we developed an application featuring mobile mixed-reality systems to support the execution of manual work processes at Volkswagen.
Iconomix Challenge
Implementation Online Challenge on financial literacy for the iconomix educational platform hosted by the Swiss National Bank. In close cooperation with didactics and learning researchers, we have been developing a playful learning platform for students since 2015.